A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation – Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail Over the Work of Yahweh & Yahweh’s People (It is Written)
- Yahweh’s Covenant with mankind detailed
- Yahweh’s shadow of protection is our guarantee; He says He will never leave/forsake us
- We have choices to make: adhere to the rules (Laws) to receive Yahweh’s promises
- Do not allow Satan to come between us to drive Yahweh’s people apart
- Trust in the plan of Yahweh and His prophecies
- Yahweh works with His people—we are encouraged to endure/set our minds in advance
- STI statistics given from CDC and other sources; abominations explained
- Yahweh allows mankind to go his own way to prove they cannot live without His Laws
- The Book of Hadassah presented with explanations
- Plan of Life is in the written Word, line upon line, Yahweh’s people do not need signs
- Yisrayl was a true visionary – He spoke according to the pattern of Yahweh’s Kingdom
- Question: Do we believe every Word of Yahweh? Do our lives reflect what we believe? Yahshua/Yisrayl are examples for us to follow
- We receive words of encouragement from Yahweh’s servants (Mosheh, Isaac, Yahaqob are examples); Yisrayl gave us admonishments also
- Details of Yahweh’s creation/establishment were presented before heaven/earth
- Today we must recognize each other’s position in Yahweh’s House – in a peaceful manner
- We are admonished – through Yisrayl’s words – to continue the Work of Yahweh – to qualify as fit for Yahweh’s Kingdom
Several Scriptures from today’s speakers: Psalm 23:4, 32:8; Revelation 3:8,18:5, 20:10, 21:4; Malakyah 4:1-2; Isayah 2:2, 14:24; Hebrews 4:15, 6:17, 11:13-16, 35, 13:5; I Corinthians 9:25-27, 15:52; Ecclesiastes 9:11; Mattithyah 7:3, 16:18, 25:33, 40; Daniyl 7:27, 9:24; Genesis 1:26, 3:5,7, 28:17; II Corinthians 10:6; Ephesians 4:16; Yeremyah 15:20, 28:14-15, 46:11; Book of Hadassah; I Yahchanan 1:1-4; Exodus 3:15
Quotes from The Books of Yisrayl: 1st 12:13, 28:79; 2nd GOP #1, #8; 3rd 28:100; 5th 9:16; 6th 33:42-45; 16th 28:26, 39:11; 18th 12:60-61, 24:94, 27:97; 19th 17:24; 20th 17:18, 21:60-61, 22:37-39