A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Daughters of Yahweh
- “Yahweh’s Protection” presented in numbers with explanations
- “Honestly Contend for the Faith, Once for All Delivered” in numbers with explanations
- We will witness the greatest protection of Yahweh’s People in these Last Days
- Parable of Hidden Treasure presented with scripture, quotes by Yisrayl, and numbers
- “Obedience Brings Protection” using quotes by Yisrayl (our teacher) and verses
Sons of Yahweh
- “The Great Day of Yahweh” detailed in Bible Code
- Masters of the Universe in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins
Entitled: The Reason Yahweh Will Bless our Storehouses
In this sermon, Yisrayl had the foresight to suggest food storage for these last days.
Recent news events point to current issues (drought, trucker protests, political instability between nations) which ultimately prove the wisdom of his teaching.
Sermon text, in its entirety, presented in slide format.