A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- Stand strong and remain in our place—choose to obey Yahweh/instructions from Yahweh’s House; run our race with endurance
- Yahweh’s Laws will keep His People connected/united with Him; sin cuts us off from Yahweh (Isayah 59:1-2)
- Those who fall away from the message/those who sleep, could become a test to those who remain—Yahweh sees our reaction
- Discussion on ‘bereavement’ with explanations/encouragement—Yahshua as example
- Acceptance Manual of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program presents helpful instruction about our purpose, our work, and our opportunity to serve others—discussion given with personal example and past quotes from Yisrayl
- We must prove to Yahweh that we will always love the Work of Yahweh—Yahweh will test/prove us to see if we will keep His Law or not
- Psalm 19:1-14 read/discussed with emphasis on the heavenly courts, our witness, Laws
- We stumble from time to time within our goal of coming to perfection; throughout our lives words hurt (words we speak to others or words that others speak to us)—this leads to a degree of damage to the point we close ourselves off—to change this we can practice opening ourselves up once again, allow Yahweh’s Law to change us 1) urge one another in righteousness 2) work on our own personal attitudes 3) desire to have Yahweh’s Heart—to want to make decisions/choices as Yahweh would 4) consider the Laws that explain ownership/the consideration toward Yahweh’s Creation—the feelings this will generate
- Convert to keep Yahweh’s Laws—to control our feelings toward righteousness
- Our generation is the only generation to have a Living High Priest over The House of Yahweh
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins on 4/29/2016
To read this sermon in its entirety: The Sixteenth Book of Yisrayl, Chapter 13
A Few Highlights—In this sermon Pastor…
- Discussed press releases on teachings from Yisrayl and The House of Yahweh
- Explained several news events, current to that time (2016)
- Warned on drug abuse with negative consequences
- Stressed importance of Yahweh’s Laws; prophecies for nations that refuse Yahweh’s Laws
- Details from the Vatican and efforts by the Pope; discussion about what is lacking in today’s city administrations; benefits of unity following Yahweh’s Laws
- Several prophecies presented—example: transfer of ruling staff to Yahshua/Yahweh’s servants at a set time
- Encouragement to practice Laws including keeping Yahweh’s Sabbath correctly
- Psalm 133:1; Ephesians 4:3, 12-13; Yahchanan 6:63; Psalm 91:1, 4-10 among several scriptures given during this sermon