A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- Services begin with current news events presented in recorded video.
Highlights from Yisrayl’s sermon from 12/21/1996
Yahweh Begets His Family through the Message, which is the Strength of Yahweh (the Laws/the Prophets), this is the Message we are not ashamed of…
- Sin poisons/kills the Spirit of Yahweh as well as the physical body; the righteousness we feed the spirit within us, is the Laws of Yahweh; the Law is holy—and because of it, the spirit remains alive
- In teaching Laws/and if we accept it—the mind will feed the heart which is capable of observing the love/feelings for the Laws of Yahweh
- We are begotten with the message—kept alive through the Law/righteousness
- Yahweh’s people love the Laws, which makes us different from the world—they do not have this love for the Law
- Yahweh has begotten us through the message; unity is found in keeping the Laws (the same faith that was once delivered); we must believe the prophecies and trust in Yahweh’s Laws
- #365, 303, 3501 from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance – ‘renewed’ means to cleanse, to reform the mind, repetition, making new, new person, youthful, things fresh, regenerate—therefore, we see that Yahweh is making us over, by renewing our minds to focus on righteousness and developing strong spirit like He has
- Pastor gave us examples of sin that wrongly feeds our minds/hearts—going to bed angry builds hatred, stealing, corrupt communication; from the heart, the mouth speaks—therefore, as we purge sin from our lives, we remove it from our hearts
- Pastor taught that apparitions from the Catholic Church will increase to deceive people and cause death, sickness all around us; do not grieve Spirit Holy – unlawful lust will weaken Yahweh’s spirit within us
- Understanding the spirit of Yahweh and building righteousness (feeding the heart/mind) will be evidence needed to raise Yahweh’s people from the dead
- We keep Yahweh’s spirit (begotten through the message) within us alive by ‘feeding’ it; study/practice righteousness and not grieving Spirit Holy given to us through the message; the Law of the spirit is weakened by sin
- #3551 ‘law’ means food or grazing— it is the food which sets us free from the Law of sin/death, through the idea of prescriptive uses; specifically of Mosheh (the Law of Mosheh)
- We can be drawn away through our own lust (for power, authority, etc.) and the spirit is quenched/weakened/destroyed through our own neglect
- Rebellion against Yahweh’s righteous authorities is poison to Spirit Holy; rebellion is described as witchcraft; Yahweh instructs us to be obedient to them/submit to them
- Pastor discusses the resurrection from prophecy in great detail—Praise Yahweh!
A few Main Scriptures from his sermon: Romans 8; Acts 13:33; I Corinthians 4:15; Ephesians 4:11- 16, 22-30; Romans 8:10-11, 2; Romans 1:16; I Thessalonians 5:19-20, 14-15; I Samuyl 15:23; Hebrews 5:9, 13:17; Ephesians 5:22-24, 25-26, 32; Romans 1:4, 8:11; Yechetzqyah 37:1-14; Yahchanan 20:22