A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation
- Yahweh brought His people together; find simple things that bring peace; find ways to build our minds
- Stay encouraged during last 3½ years—choose righteousness, do not allow tests/trials to overwhelm, trust in Yahweh, endure until the end, continue working with brothers/sisters
- Human mind has capability to hold a lot of information—details on subconscious mind given
- Recognize our goals before Yahweh/make efforts to achieve them; seek after righteousness first
- Study, pray, do work of Yahweh, attend classes, put aside distractions/influences, utilize every opportunity to learn, righteous friendships—Yahweh sees our efforts
- If we endure, following righteousness, we will make it to the Kingdom of Yahweh
- Do not harbor bitterness—it gives Satan opportunity to deceive; focus on being obedient to Yahweh, endure until the end
- Focus on our blessings—do not look at what we don’t have, rather be thankful for what we do have; do not lose sight of Yahweh’s Plan
- Yahweh offers us the greatest gift—a mind of understanding; Yahweh’s people understand the scriptures, which is not common among the world
- Three things that will quench the spirit: neglecting the prophecies, not warning the unruly, missing Sabbath Services/classes
- Pastor’s teachings are inspirational and able to teach Yahweh’s ways
- World religions offer false teachings only—they do not speak according to Yahweh and Yahweh’s Laws; it takes humility and willingness to obey and accept decisions given through the teachings/guidance in The House of Yahweh
- Yahweh knew us before we were born and would call us to His House at the appointed time; we are called to learn, grow, and become teachers of righteousness
- Details on end time prophecies including restored Book of Yahweh, teachings from The House of Yahweh, and the Last Days Witness
- Last Days will be as the days of Noah; Yahweh knows our heart (mind, character, will, intention, center of our being); our hearts reflect what we value—do we value being part of The House of Yahweh; do not let tests/trials affect our zeal, etc.
- Going on to Perfection #28 as recommended listening/reading for our studies; accept correction, examine ourselves—make every effort; come into unity with One Sent to be part of Yahweh’s Kingdom
Yisrayl Hawkins
- Discusses coronavirus stats/significance throughout the world
- Explains the Mark of the Beast as it relates to the coronavirus
- Rehearses Daniyl’s prophecies on the 7-year peace plan
- World news reveals prophecies; those who are taught understand
- Promotes The Book of Yahweh as source of all knowledge