A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Discussion on Teachers of Righteousness using phrases, numbers, and verses
- Details about the Two Witnesses/their work using phrases, numbers, and verses
- Message of the Kingdom will be preached to the world, using Pastor’s quotes, verses, phrases, and numbers
- Details about Yisrayl Hawkins in Last Days and his work using verses, numbers
- Yahweh gives warning, through Samuyl and Two Witnesses, about choosing ‘Kings’ over Yahweh (choosing sin instead of Yahweh’s Laws)
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “Vatican City” detailed in Bible Code
- Behold the Man Whose Name is the Branch, Part 1 in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Pastor lists several Scriptures to describe the Last Days’ Work
- News from Israel today shows Prophecy being fulfilled
- The Seven-year Peace Treaty presented – Pastor discusses the details
- Revelation 11:1-3 describe Temple Mount given to the Gentiles (nations or UN); work of Two Witnesses along with Prophecies detailing the last 3½ years
- Two Witnesses are the prophesied two Olive Trees – understanding comes from ‘here a little and there a little’ by Scriptural study
- The Plan of Yahweh – created by Yahweh with visions coming forth from the Sea of Glass
- Pastor shares card from Postal Service showing an ‘Overflow’ as increasing volume of mail arrives into Yahweh’s House
- Pastor discusses world leadership during days of signing the seven-year peace plan (Clinton, Rabin, Arafat)
- Zecharyah 6 describes the Branch and the building of The House of Yahweh
- Daniyl 9:27 – Pastor explains separate events that take place over time (visions come from Sea of Glass)
- Sin leads to death, Righteousness leads to Eternal Life
- Pastor describes parallels between Daniyl and Yahseph regarding their interpretations of dreams and visions