A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- 1400-1405 – printing press invent; additional dates presented/discussed using House of Yahweh calendar and quotes by Pastor
- Yahweh’s Prophecies won’t fail – one example: fulfilled 7-year peace plan
- We must be acceptable before Yahweh before becoming part of Yahweh’s Eternal Kingdom; Yahshua is our example
- Sixteenth Book of Yisrayl, Chapter 2 – a discussion on the Sabbath
- Yahshua is involved in Yahweh’s Work in these Last Days – He’s High Priest over The House of Yahweh; Yisrayl prophesied to foretell events
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “Fist full of money” detailed in Bible Code
- The Original Sons of Yahweh, Part 20, “Bricks in the Wall” in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- The world believes they’ll find a way out of their problems with the vaccine, but Pastor points out the futility without Yahweh/Yahweh’s Laws
- Hatred for Yahweh/The House of Yahweh, for reporting the truth is recorded in Scripture from the beginning – so no surprise that the same is true in these Last Days
- What is written is going to come to pass – this is The End; sin will not be allowed after these last Prophecies are fulfilled
- Yahchanan 3:19/Genesis 3:5 – be as the Gods knowing evil and performing evil deeds (proving that man has chosen darkness rather than Light)
- Prophecy speaks of a Great Gathering; Steps to take: Repent of sin, Convert to Yahweh’s Law
- It is like a contract between Yahweh and man – it’s a choice available to every individual
- Service to Yahweh or Satan is a choice; know assuredly that everyone serves one or the other, Yahweh says to choose Life, choose Yahweh and live
- Yahshua said you have to be like a rock – cannot be moved; be determined to get all sin out of our lives; Salvation can only be found at The House of Yahweh – supported by the Prophets, examples: Daniyl, Isayah
- Yahweh is the Only One who can tell the future; the coronavirus is described in Revelation
- Back to Yahchanan 3:19 on ‘condemnation’: 4,199 religions teach against the Light (Commandments/Laws – Laws are Light to our feet)
- Pastor speaks about the honeybees and how they have become harmed by man’s sins (testing weapons of destruction)
- Second plague has begun – the oceans are becoming contaminated
- So far in 2021 – over 14 million babies murdered by abortions
- Revelation 9:2 – in the days of the coronavirus, the bottomless pit is opened
- Revelation 9:20 – shows they (those who worship demons, Gods, gold, etc.) will not repent of their murders, sorceries, fornication, theft
- Yahseph’s story shows what he had to refuse; today ‘Follywood’ promotes sin (fornication, lust, adultery, thievery, murder, etc.); we must also put forth effort to refuse all sin
- Worldly preachers could begin their road to repentance/conversion by reading Revelation 22; Mattithyah 24:3, 7, 21; Isayah 24:1-6