A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
Great Deacons
- The House of Yahweh, in the Last Days, is fulfilling Prophecies – prepare for the gathering of the nations under the direction/teaching of Yisrayl (a great scriptural example is the ants)
- Believe into the One Sent – Yisrayl teaches about one true religion and warns according to Prophecy, believe in his instructions to avoid “being deceived”
- To understand benefits of royal jelly – details life of worker/queen bee – the difference between them is based on what she is fed (royal jelly); benefits of royal jelly include: lowers high cholesterol, fights against diabetes, builds nerve health, lowers hypertension, etcetera
Scriptures: Proverbs 6:6-8, 30:25; Micahyah 4:1-3; Isayah 2:2-4, 44:6-8, 45:18; I Timothy 3:15; Yahchanan 1:1-5, 5:21; Revelation 11:3, 22:16
Numbers: 461
Great Kohans
- Christianity was formed/designed to come against The House of Yahweh – it is bitterly opposed to requirements of Salvation/Eternal Life in Kingdom of Yahweh
- Yisrayl is High Ranking Priest – he teaches us to break down deception; teaches that Yahweh is not a God – this is foundation to further study/understanding
- Pope states follow 10 Commandments BUT – he said this is not about following rules, rather have relationship with Jesus/God – this is completely contrary to teachings in the Holy Scriptures and fulfills Daniyl 7:25 (speaking great swelling words against Yahweh/His Laws, Statutes, Judgments; CRUX article: https://cruxnow.com/vatican/2020/05/christianity-is-a-relationship-not-a-set-of-rules-pope-says/
- Be watchful, do not fear – consider Yahshua’s words saying the very elect could be deceived, the world’s religions are deceived, only The House of Yahweh will not be deceived
- Religions “tickle the ears” with bold/brazen disrespect for the Laws of Yahweh, they appeal to emotions
- With thoughtful character/demeanor, be circumspect/be aware of Prophecy – be watchful of ourselves; allow teachings to overshadow our studies/our tests – it takes continual practice, put on full armor of Yahweh (it will embed truth firmly in our minds)
- Obedience to Yahweh and teachings in House of Yahweh will save us from deception – remember to stand in our place/do the Work of Yahweh
- Fear is used for control – but we do not need to have/feel anxiousness of world – we have confidence in our place in Yahweh; therefore strive for unity with Yahweh/with one another
- Laws of Yahweh say
s“Do Not Fear”– Yahweh is Only Source of Power, we have no reason to fear; therefore, rehearse/think on the facts - Satan strives to bring death to entire world – Yahweh’s people do not have fear, we have Scripture to reassure us, we know that Yahweh will protect us
- Yahweh’s people have admonitions/warnings from Yahweh – strive to be found spotless/put effort in overcoming (if we are honest with ourselves we will acknowledge we still have work to do); remember time will not stop to wait for us – ‘time no longer,’ we push ourselves if we want to hear “well done Righteous servant”
- Our forefathers serve as examples – 1) Mosheh was delayed and the people turned back to God worship, they turned to sin (fornication, adultery, bloodshed, etc.) 2) Korah’s rebellion/murmuring against Mosheh – they rose up against the One Sent at that time 3) One year before entering the promised land some of the people commit sexual sins, they complained about food, living conditions, and in this way they were not thankful for their blessings
- We must believe into the One Sent – it is our responsibility to be on guard – we do not want to defeat our own efforts to attain Eternal Life by showing a lack of self-control or rejecting/criticizing the Overseer of The House of Yahweh
Scriptures: Exodus 3:15, 19:5-6, 32:4-6; Isayah 42:8; Yechetzqyah 28:1-2, 9, 13; Romans 1:25, 12:1-2; Genesis 11:1-7; Revelation 12:9; II Corinthians 4:4, 11:3-4, 13-15; Daniyl 7:25; Deuteronomy 6:1-6, 7:17-19; II Timothy 1:6-7, 3:1, 4:3-5; I Timothy 4:12-15; Proverbs 7:12-13, 21; Ephesians 6:10-11; Philippians 1:27-28; Mattithyah 16:18; Psalm 23:4, 91:8-11; II Kepha 3:10-14; I Corinthians 10:5-11; Numbers 16:41, 25:1-3, 21:5-7; Yahchanan 6:29
Numbers: 1074, 3525