06-2018 Prophetic Word
The Vatican is now pushing to reinstate the seven-year peace plan that I wrote about in the ‘70s in our book, The Mark of the Beast. Let me restate that: I wrote about this seven-year peace plan in the ‘70s but it did not come to pass until 1993.
How did we know this would be a seven-year treaty? How did we know that Rabin would sign it? Yahweh’s Prophecies have been 100% accurate up to and including this generation that stared in 1934.
1934 is a very important date in Prophecy and will be explained later in this article. For now, read what was first written in The Mark of the Beast, Volumes 1 and 2, in the ‘70s and later expounded upon in our book, Birth of the Nuclear Baby.
Yahweh inspired His Prophets of Old to foretell of the events that would occur in these Last Days—the last of the last seventy years of the 6,000 year period allotted to mankind. This is so we do not have to be deceived or consumed with the plagues that are about to come upon mankind because of their disobedience to Yahweh’s Laws of Love toward all. These events have come and are coming to pass just as Yahweh said they would.
Yahweh inspired His Prophet Daniyl to foretell of a covenant (agreement) that many would enter into for one week (seven years).
Daniyl 9:27
And he will confirm a covenant with many for one week...
On September 13, 1993, a secret peace plan which had taken many years to formulate, was signed into effect. In devising this plan, many confidential deals were agreed upon. These negotiations involved much give and take by the parties involved. This is the case with all treaties made and signed by men, who having little to lose themselves, think absolutely nothing of risking the lives and property of others to receive their desired price. So far the only result of this plan has been pain, suffering, frustration, death and destruction.
I wrote about this plan before it was signed, in the books The Mark of the Beast, Volumes 1 and 2 back in the 1970s. I have lived to see that prophesied agreement come to pass. This agreement was signed on September 13, 1993, and went into effect October 13, 1993. This information was reported on ABC World News, with anchorman Peter Jennings, in August 1993. The following is the transcript of the report aired on ABC’s World News.
The PLO Chairman Yassir Arafat is also hearing those shouts of traitor from within the Palestinian community, which is one reason he is working so hard to get this agreement with Israel sealed, signed, and delivered fast. He wants the Arab leaders behind him. Here’s ABC’s Jim Bitterman:
For the third straight day, Yassir Arafat trooped around the Capital seeking political support and money, and as he arrived in Oman at the end of the day, hoping wealthy Persian Gulf States will back him financially, it was becoming clear that peace would be very expensive.
In Tunis, the man who led the PLO’s secret negotiations with Israel, Ahmed Qureia, told ABC News that the PLO is putting the finishing touches on a SEVEN YEAR PLAN to rebuild the occupied territory.
‘‘If this plan will not be able to be implemented, there will be a catastrophe.’’ The price tag, Qureia said, nearly 12 billion dollars, a price that he says must be paid to guarantee the peace agreement.
‘‘This process, this Agreement can’t move without a generous Israeli support to the development in the occupied territories.’’
Qureia said the PLO’s first priority is to get institutions in the occupied territories; to get schools, hospitals and municipalities working at full strength again; to rebuild infrastructure and reduce unemployment; all of it necessary to meet the expectations of average Palestinians, to get them behind the PLO and away from more extremist groups.
The more immediate problem is the peace agreement itself. Arafat’s advisors are saying tonight, that the next step will be to convene a PLO executive community meeting here in the next twenty-four hours; a meeting which must produce official recognition of Israel’s right to exist, if the peace process is to continue.
Jim Bitterman, ABC News, Tunis
This plan was signed on September 13, 1993 and went into effect on October 13, 1993. Read the words of Daniyl again.
Daniyl 9:27
And he will confirm a covenant with MANY for one week...
Notice the phrase And he will confirm a covenant with many in Daniyl 9:27, from the NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament by John Kohlenberger III.
The word translated many in this verse is the Hebrew word rabim which is the plural form of the Hebrew root word rab, according to The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon by Benjamin Davidson, page 674.
The Hebrew-Aramaic-English Dictionary by Marcus Jastrow, Volume 1, page 721, shows us that the Hebrew plural ending yod-mem can be interchanged with yod-nun.
Mem, the thirteenth letter of the Alphabet. It interchanges with n, esp. in the plural termination mem yod (Chald.).
The English spelling for this Hebrew word or name can be either Rabim or Rabin. Either way, it has the same meaning—the many. It is extremely interesting to note, that for the time period in which this covenant was signed, that Daniyl 9:27 could be literally translated: And he will confirm a covenant with Rabin for seven years... It would be difficult to get more specific than that!
The seven-year peace agreement, the Oslo Accord, was signed on September 13, 1993 by the late PLO Chairman Yassir Arafat and the late Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin. Daniyl actually prophesied thousands of years ago that a man named Rabin would sign this covenant for one week. This Prophecy came to pass exactly as Daniyl said.
The seven-year peace plan signed on September 13, 1993 was shut down after 3½ years, thereby stopping the action and the count of this seven-year period. The completion of this seven-year plan depended upon the amount of time that the plan was actually implemented. This plan for peace was dependent upon certain events taking place during a certain number of months.
The Catholic Church incorporated many events involving many different nations to bring this plan to completion. The plan would be given its fullest opportunity to bring peace to Israel and the neighboring Arab nations.
The same substance of this plan was to be used later in an attempt to bring peace to the world under a one world religion and one world government.
According to the Prophets, it will not bring peace, to Israel or to the world, but it will succeed in involving all nations in this seven-year plan and it will bring total destruction.
Daniyl 8:25
...And by peace (this 7 year peace plan) will destroy many...
According to Prophecy, this seven-year plan will end with destruction.
Daniyl 9:26
...and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Daniyl 9:27
...even until the destruction that is determined...
This destruction is brought about by a religious system that changed the Laws of Yahweh.
Daniyl 7:25
And he will speak great words against Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally attack to cause to fall away, the Saints of Yahweh, and think to change the Feasts, Holy Days, and Laws; and they will be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.
The changing of the Laws of Yahweh is what causes this destruction to take place.
Isayah 24:1-6
1 Before Yahweh’s very eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priests; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
The period of time during which this plan would be active is the major factor concerning this Prophecy. Remember, the inactive period of time of this plan is not considered part of this seven-year time period. This is the last seven years of man’s governments.
The First Three And A Half Years
Yahweh inspired Prophecies to be written so that we do not have to be deceived, so that we will know when these things will be. Yahshua Messiah spoke of the first part of this seven-year period, giving us the following information:
Mattithyah 24:7-8
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes in place after place:
8 All these are the first half of the sorrows; Tribulation!
Since the activation of the peace plan on October 13th, 1993, wars have been raging not only in Israel, but throughout the eastern world. The United States of America has been involved fully in every one of these wars. Yahshua also said that there would be earthquakes, famines, and disease epidemics. Please notice the following statistics on wars, earthquakes, famines (caused by drought), and pestilences that took place during the first 3½ years. The following information can be found in any local library, including The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1994, by Funk & Wagnalls Corp., The Economist, Time magazine, and Life magazine.
Principal Wars Of The United States
Dates War Deaths
1775-1783 Revolutionary War 4,435
1812-1815 War of 1812 2,260
1846-1848 Mexican War 13,283
1861-1866 Civil War 498,332
1898 Spanish-American War 2,446
1917-1918 World War I 116,708
1941-1946 World War II 407,316
1950-1953 Korean War 33,651
1964-1973 Vietnam War 58,168
1991 Persian Gulf War 293
On January 17, 1994, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 rumbled through Los Angeles. Mind-numbing sights like the fallen Santa Monica Freeway brought home the scope of the event. The death of 61 people weighed heavily upon the living and the community mourned together, even as the earth came apart.
A Record Of Misery
The wave of mass killing and the refugee exodus in Rwanda built up faster than during any other such episodes in the last half century.
Rwanda: Tutsis, 1994 - 3 months: 1 million deaths
Bosnia: 1992-1994: 200,000 deaths
Drought Headlines Worldwide
“In An Unrelenting Drought, Puerto Rico Strictly Rations Water”
The New York Times 9/4/94
“Endless Summer Of Flames Consuming The West”
USA Today 8/15/94
“Drought Devastating Many Crops In Suffolk”
The New York Times 7/31/94
“On Top Of War And Ethnic Strife, Serious Drought”
USA Today 4/11/94
Disease Epidemics
New viruses and drug-resistant bacteria are reversing human victories over infectious disease. They can strike anywhere, anytime. Protozoans, bacteria, viruses, a whole menagerie of microscopic pests constantly assaults every part of our body, looking for a way inside. Many...are merciless killers.
Humanity once had the hubris to think it could control or even conquer all these microbes. But anyone who reads today’s headlines knows how vain that hope turned out to be. New scourges are emerging—AIDS is not the only one—and older diseases like tuberculosis are rapidly evolving into forms that are resistant to antibiotics, the main weapon in the doctor’s arsenal. For all the vaunted power of modern medicine, deadly infections are a growing threat to everyone, everywhere.
A Summary of cases of specified notifiable diseases in the United States only, reported in 1994.
AIDS 72,888
Botulism (foodborn, infant, other) 139
Gonorrhea 370,883
Syphilis 19,148
Tuberculosis 20,976
A Summary of cases of specified infectious disease deaths worldwide, reported in 1994.
Acute Respiratory Infections 4,300,000
Diarrheal Diseases 3,200,000
Tuberculosis 3,000,000
Hepatitis B 2,000,000
Malaria 1,000,000
Measles 880,000
AIDS 550,000
1 Million Americans In Prison
Believe it or not, the United States locks up more criminals than any nation on earth. And yet the crime rate is still going up...and up...and up.
The U.S. incarceration rate of 455 out of every 100,000 people is the highest in the world. ...it began to zoom in the 1980’s with little effect on crime.
“Suddenly we’ve gone wild on incarceration but there is no clear impact on crime rates,” says Professor Alfred Blumstein of Carnegie-Mellon University.
The Sun 7/12/94
Yahweh cuts short these days by significantly decreasing Satan’s power. Yahweh did not stop Satan. Yahweh merely slowed her down by casting her out of heaven, where she has had the power to broadcast to man’s mind.
Casting Satan from heaven is an event that only spirit beings could do by the Power of Yahweh. Lucifer did not want to lose her power or this prophesied battle, and she spent many years preparing her defense in order to try to prevent this event from coming to pass.
Lucifer has a tremendous amount of power and knowledge given to her by Yahweh. Yahweh had given her the largest and best of everything, and He held nothing back from her. She is full of wisdom, as Yechetzqyah 28:12 says. She is capable and powerful enough to bring down the strength of all nations of the earth, as Amosyah 3:11 says. She is able to deceive the world, as Revelation 12:9 says. Remember, she was able to convince one-third of the Malakim to rebel with her (Revelation 12:4), and lead the whole world into the worship of demons and gods (Revelation 9:20).
These testimonies prove that it would take a tremendous amount of energy to cast Satan out of heaven. This is exactly what we saw displayed on Jupiter in 1994, a part of the prophesied time period known as the Last Days, when Yahweh’s complete and total Body of Laws are being taught.
The energy used against Jupiter in 1994 was the war in heaven spoken of in Revelation 12:7.
The Cosmic Crash
On July 16, a chunk of interstellar debris the size of a mountain will smash into the largest planet in the solar system. And that will be only the beginning of the most violent encounter humanity has ever witnessed. Over the following six days, more chunks__some perhaps 2.5 miles in diameter__will smack into Jupiter, one after another, in a barrage as predictable as a round of automatic gunfire. The agent of destruction: an icy comet, long held captive by Jupiter’s gravity, that has broken up into a fleet of 21 natural megabombs.
They may blow apart high in the Jovian atmosphere. Or perhaps they will hold together long enough to reach the dense gases that form Jupiter’s surface. They will be traveling phenomenally fast: 37 miles a second. If they do stay intact, they will plow deep__15 miles, perhaps even 250 miles__into the gaseous soup.
The resulting explosions will defy comprehension. While the largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated in the earth’s atmosphere was the Soviet Union’s 58-megaton blast in 1961, the combined energy of the 21 explosions on Jupiter could reach 20 million megatons. The comet, named Shoemaker-Levy 9 for its discoverers, may unleash a mushroom cloud that rises to a height of 1,500 miles into the Jovian atmosphere. For several hours at least, the giant planet may resonate like a bell. For observers on earth, it may appear to glow with twice its usual brilliance.
May 23, 1994 Time magazine
The war in heaven, prophesied in Revelation 12:7 and various other Scriptures, started after sundown Saturday, July 16, 1994 (which is the first day of the week Yahweh’s Way) with the first in a stream of twenty-one asteroids striking the planet Jupiter. This show lasted for six days, with the remaining twenty asteroids continually pounding Jupiter. There were no strikes on the Seventh Day of the week, which is Saturday—Yahweh’s Sabbath Day—as stated in the fourth of Yahweh’s Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20:8-11.
According to an article in the August 1, 1994 Issue of Time magazine, entitled “Jupiter’s Bruises,” they predicted the war would continue into September. According to their report, theorists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory argued, on the basis of a computer model of S-L-9, that some additional debris (including boulders several hundred miles across) had lagged behind the original twenty-one major fragments, which had already pounded the planet. These stragglers, they predicted, would keep hitting Jupiter through the month of September, hoping some of the latter pieces would smash into the near side of the planet, giving astronomers an opportunity to watch some strikes directly.
The persecution (reproach) suffered by The House of Yahweh during this same time period was in direct fulfillment of Isayah 43:28.
Isayah 43:28
Therefore, I will dissolve the Levitical Priesthood; and will give Yaaqob to the curse, and Yisrayl to reproaches.
For further information concerning the casting out of Satan from the heavens and the Prophecies concerning this event, along with the reproaches brought upon Yahweh’s House, please inquire about our book Unveiling Satan! Her True Identity Revealed.
The Seven Years Interrupted: The Peace Plan Put On Hold! The Midst—According To Prophecy
The seven-year plan was to go for a time, times and half a time or dividing of time. The time, the first three and a half years is gone. During the midst, we were waiting for that last half. During this time, the clock stopped. Satan was cast to earth in the midst of Tribulation.
Revelation 12:7-12
7 And there was war in heaven; Micahyah and her Malakim fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought with her angels,
8 But did not prevail, nor was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. She was cast out into the earth, and her angels were cast out with her.
10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven: Now is come Salvation, and Strength, and the Kingdom of our Father, and the Power of His Messiah; for the accuser of our brothers is cast down, who accused them before our Father day and night!
11 And they overcame her by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony; the Law and the Prophets, and they loved not their lives unto the death.
12 Therefore, rejoice you heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because she knows that she has but a short time.
During March of 1997, according to scientific reports, the comet Hale-Bopp made its closest approach to earth. Once Satan reached the earth, the ten years given to her by the courts of heaven to bring peace, as told to the Pope in 1988, began.
During the midst, everything stemmed from and came off of the Palestinian-Israeli agreement, getting them to go back to the original Oslo. That meant, in their newsworthy language, to start up the seven-year plan again.
Notice that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had stopped this plan.
On Nov. 4, 1995, Prime Minister Rabin was slain by a Jewish extremist, jeopardizing the tenuous progress toward peace. Shimon Peres succeeded him until May 1996 elections for the Knesset gave Israel a new hard-line prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by a razor-thin margin. Netanyahu reversed or stymied much of the Oslo Agreement, contending that it offered too many concessions too fast and jeopardized Israelis’ safety.
Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations in 1997 were repeatedly undermined by both sides. Although the Hebron Accord was signed in Jan., calling for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the city, the construction of new Jewish settlements on the West Bank in March profoundly upset progress toward peace.
An Oct. 1998 summit at Wye Mills, Md., generated the first real progress in the stymied Middle East peace talks in 19 months.
Excerpt under “Israel History” on Yahoo Encyclopedia
The reason that so many national powers were so involved in this seven-year plan for peace is obvious. Israel is linked together with many nations and religions because of its location and historical sites and events. All nations are aware of these facts and know that if this plan does not bring peace, all nations could be pulled into nuclear war within a 24-hour period. Casper Weinberger stated this fact in his book, The Next War.
The entire hope of this world during this time period was on this peace plan. They actually believed and were fully convinced that the starting up of the seven-year plan was going to bring them true peace.
Bush Mideast Peace Plan Put On Hold
WASHINGTON — Back-to-back bombings in Jerusalem prompted President Bush on Wednesday to put his prescription for Palestinian statehood on hold.
Bush had hoped to spur Israel and the Palestinian Authority to begin mapping a state with the support of the United States and the world community.
“It’s obvious that the immediate aftermath is not the right time,” White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said.
Fleischer made plain that Bush has decided on his message, but was waiting for the right moment. “It’s hard to get people to focus on peace today when there’s still suffering from the consequences of terrorism as we speak,” the spokesman said.
How long Bush might hold off was being considered by the president and his advisers, who themselves were split on whether it was wise for the United States to be endorsing statehood while Israel was under renewed terror attack.
Bush is due to go to Canada early next week for a meeting with the leaders of seven other industrialized democracies and could use the forum to gather support for his plan.
Even before the two bombings, the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had said the timing was wrong for a Palestinian state. On the Arab side of the dispute, there was widespread disappointment that Bush did not intend to go far enough toward a full-fledged state.
He had an interim body in mind, with step-by-step progress toward full and sovereign self-rule alongside Israel, dependent on democratic reform within the Palestinian Authority.
Chicago Tribune 6/19/02
Now go back to:
Daniyl 9:27
And he will confirm a covenant with many for one week; seven years, and in the midst of the week, he will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; instead, he will cause the prevalence of the Lord of Heaven even until the destruction that is determined will be poured upon the desolator.
Notice the words “in the midst of the week”. The midst (or middle) of a week of seven days would be after the first three and one-half days. But this is speaking of a day for a year, as is the whole of this Prophecy and also the fulfillment. The midst (or middle) of seven years would be after the first three and one-half years. The period of three and a half years is referred to later as a set time—a time is 3½ years.
As we have learned, the seven-year (one week) plan was confirmed with Rabin September 13, 1993 and began October 13, 1993. Rabin was assassinated as Daniyl’s Prophecy shows. Shimon Perez took his office for a short while until an election could be held. Benyamin Netanyahu was elected the next Prime Minister of Israyl. He shut the seven-year plan down after it was in action only 3½ years (one time)—at the midst of the seven years.
Remember, this plan is shown to bring us to The End and the destruction that is prophesied for The End.
Daniyl 9:27
And he will confirm a covenant with many for one week; seven years, and in the midst of the week, he will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; instead, he will cause the prevalence of the Lord of Heaven even until the destruction that is determined will be poured upon the desolator.
With the above information in mind, go to Daniyl 12 where we see the severity of this burning destruction spoken of in Daniyl 7:11-12, plus the end time.
Daniyl 12:1-2
And at that time will come that Great, Perfect Government based upon Perfect Laws, that will save the children of Your people; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that time. And at that time Your people will be saved, everyone who will be found written in the Book of Life.
2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
This time of trouble—time of the earth’s burning, the greatest time of trouble ever—takes place during the time prophesied as The End. The resurrection takes place just after the last 3½ years referred to as a “time.”
Now notice carefully The End shown in:
Daniyl 12:4-7
4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and Knowledge will be increased.
5 Then I, Daniyl, looked; and behold, there stood two others, one on this side of the bank of the river; and the other on that side of the bank of the river.
6 And one said to the Man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching: How long will it be to the end of these wonders?
7 Then I heard the Man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and vowed by Him Who lives forever, that: It will be for a TIME (the first 3½ years), TIMES (the seven years of being shut down), and A HALF (the last 3½ years), when Yahweh will have accomplished pouring out His Power through His Holy People, all these things will be finished.
Yahweh again shows us The End, in a time—3½ years, that is filled with destruction. The first time (3½ years) was the first half of the seven-year peace plan that was stopped at its midst (Daniyl 9:27). Then Yahweh shows us times in Daniyl 12:7. One time is 3½ years; times is 3½ years plus 3½ years, which equals seven years.
The seven-year peace plan started October 13, 1993, and was shut down April 13, 1997 after 3½ years of action. We are now awaiting the start of the last time—3½ years.
A New Life For Oslo
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s disengagement plan has once again placed on the agenda the dispute over the country’s borders, which became somewhat less newsworthy after the failure of Camp David and the shock of the intifada.
The first cliché, which is being heard repeatedly since Sharon called for a withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria, describes his pronouncement as Israel’s first step toward leaving the territories and ending the 37-year-old occupation. Sharon is presented as a kind of secular messiah who last fall experienced a one-time epiphany, and in its wake decided to ride backward and to lead Israel confidently out of the settlements, which he established in the past with the same enthusiasm.
…there is no question that his proposals for dismantling the settlements are more daring than those of his predecessors. Moreover, he should be praised for his political courage in pushing through the disengagement plan, contrary to the prevailing opinion in his party. But with all due respect, his plan is far from being “the first step in the exit from the territories.”
There is no getting away from the fact that he was preceded there by former prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres in the Oslo Accords, Benjamin Netanyahu in the Wye Accords, and Ehud Barak in the Sharm Al Sheikh memo and the Camp David proposals, with his talk of dividing Jerusalem and separating sovereignty above and below the ground on the Temple Mount.
And thus, Sharon’s disengagement plan benefits from the legal sponsorship of the Oslo Accords. In spite of his desire to avoid the agreements, Sharon is acting in accordance with them–because what is the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and from the settlements of Ganim and Kaddim in northern Samaria, if not the implementation of the “third step” of the Oslo Accords in which Israel promised to withdraw from most of the territories “to defined military sites.”
We Are Now Awaiting the Last Three and One-half Years (Time) of Man’s Governments of and by the People
Daniyl says it will be the greatest time of trouble ever.
Daniyl 12:1
And at that time will come that Great, Perfect Government based upon Perfect Laws, that will save the children of Your people; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that time. And at that time Your people will be saved, everyone who will be found written in the Book of Life.
The Savior says the same.
Mattithyah 24:21-22
21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.
In this same time period there is extreme hatred among the nations. For proof of this, all you have to do is watch the world news.
Mattithyah 24:7
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes in place after place.
Then come the nuclear wars that will darken the sun.
Mattithyah 24:29
Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Now learn a parable so you will know when this time is at hand.
Mattithyah 24:32-33
32 Now learn a parable from the fig tree: When its branch becomes tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer is near.
33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Age is near, at the very door.
Please notice, these are things we can see taking place. Compare this with the following. The Apostle Shaul spoke of the same time in:
I Thessalonians 4:16-17
16 For Yahshua Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Malak Gadol, and with the Trumpet of Yahweh. And the dead in Messiah will be raised first,
17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet Yahshua in the air; and so will we ever be with Yahshua.
These two verses and the following go together in the same time period—a 3½ year time period. Can we know when this great time of trouble is? Yes! Read it for yourself.
I Thessalonians 5:1-5
1 But concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need that I should write to you.
2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the Day of Yahweh so comes as a thief in the night.
3 For when they will say: Peace—true peace! Then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a woman with child; and they will not escape.
4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that this Day would overtake you like a thief.
5 You are all the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
Notice the word times in verse 1. Please believe the Inspired Prophecies. We are now awaiting the start of the last time—3½ years. The Savior said it Himself.
Mattithyah 24:33
In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Age is near, at the very door.
These are things you can see. He also said when you see the Prophecy spoken of by Daniyl the Prophet (Mattithyah 24:15).
The Inspired Scriptures teach that there will soon be Great Tribulation. All religions teach this. They use some of the Prophecies concerning this horrifying event, but they never use the Prophecies that show that breaking Yahweh’s Laws is what is causing the suffering to take place.
There is a sure cause and it is written in the Inspired Prophecies. In fact, the Savior is warning everyone to repent of breaking Yahweh’s Laws because it’s man’s iniquity that is causing the suffering. The Book of Revelation was given to the Savior by Yahweh. The Savior sent it to Yahchanan (John), to show to us things which would come to pass.
Revelation 1:1
The Revelation of Yahshua Messiah, which Yahweh gave to Him, to show His Servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it through His Malak to His Servant Yahchanan:
In this same Book of Revelation, Yahweh shows His Plan to allow nuclear wars to take place among the nations. These Prophecies are precise and they are shown to be for this time period. This time period will complete the full Plan of Yahweh to build a Kingdom of People who will rule as Yahweh rules.
The Prophecy started with seventy weeks of years. Yahweh showed it was seventy weeks of years of action or active events. Yahweh shows so many years would take place to bring about certain events and then the count would stop, until it was time for the next event to take place.
The seventy weeks of years are explained in detail in our books The Mark of the Beast, Volumes 1 and 2. Now read this Amazing Prophecy that has been, up to this hour, 100% true.
Daniyl 9:24-27
24 Seventy weeks are determined upon your people, and upon your Holy City, to finish transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in Everlasting Righteousness, to seal up the Vision and Prophecy, and to anoint the Holiest of the Holy People.
25 Know therefore, and understand that from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to rebuild Yerusalem, to the Messiah the Prince, will be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks; the street will be rebuilt again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah will be cut off, without a successor; and the people of the prince that will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary; and its end will be with a flood; and unto the end of the wars, desolations are determined.
27 And he will confirm a covenant with many for one week; seven years, and in the midst of the week, he will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; instead, he will cause the prevalence of the Lord of Heaven even until the destruction that is determined will be poured upon the desolator.
History proves Daniyl 9:24-27 has come to pass, except for the last destruction prophesied to come upon the desolator.
The Desolator
The desolator is the leading religious system, under the guidance of Satan the Devil, that has been responsible for taking away the Laws that would have prevented the desolation of mankind. This is shown in Daniyl 7. There are four world-ruling Kingdoms shown to be permitted in Yahweh’s Plan of forming a Kingdom of People who will rule as Yahweh rules. Yahweh has permitted these evil empires to rule and destroy. There will never be another world-ruling kingdom of mankind. The next Kingdom to rule will be the Kingdom of Yahweh that is prophesied to take over the rulership of the world, at the end of this 3½ year time period that we are now awaiting.
In the last 3½ year time period, mankind will destroy four-fifths of the earth’s population.
The Quartet of Revelation
Notice the following Scriptures.
Revelation 7:1-3
1 And after these things I saw four messengers standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, so that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
2 And I saw another Malak ascending from the east, having the Seal of the Living Father; and he cried with a loud voice to the four messengers, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 Saying: Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, until we have sealed the Servants of our Father in their foreheads.
Of course there are no corners on the earth. It’s round. Reading this makes you think these messengers found a corner somewhere and they’re standing there, hovering in the atmosphere, holding back the clouds, the low pressure and the high pressure so that these winds wouldn’t blow. Then another one flies through in the east shouting to these other four. It paints a picture in your mind. It’s not this. Here is the explanation.
This word messenger is translated as angel in the King James Version. The word angel is #32 in Strong’s Greek Dictionary. It comes from word #71 and means to lead, induce or bring forth. The word induce means to bring about by influence or stimulation.
These four angels or messengers are four leaders called the Quartet. These are the four messengers who are, without even realizing it, holding back these winds of war from every part of the earth.
The Quartet - History And Structure
The Middle East Quartet emerged from a desire among the four principal international players engaged in the peace process—the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and the Russian Federation—to consult more closely over the Middle East conflict and its resolution.
In its meeting on 10 April 2002, the Quartet laid the foundations for what later became the Roadmap. The Roadmap defines parameters and steps to be taken by both Israelis and Palestinians to end the bloodshed and settle the conflict between the two parties, resulting in the existence of two states in the region, living side by side in peace and security.
...the Roadmap is a three-phase plan aimed at achieving a final and comprehensive settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, on the basis of a goal-driven and performance-based approach. The Quartet is committed to assist and facilitate the implementation of the Roadmap and meets regularly on both the envoys and the principals levels to evaluate the parties performance on implementation.
Notice, from this meeting of April 10, 2002, the foundation for the Roadmap was laid. The Roadmap was laid to lead the Israelis and the Palestinians back to their sacrifices and oblations that were stopped in the midst of the week (seven-year peace plan) by Benyamin Netanyahu after Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, and to finish the last 3½ years of the peace plan.
Keep in mind, that the power was given to these leaders to hold back the wars. In other words, Yahweh knew in advance that these four nations would have such influence that they could actually prevent or stop these wars from taking place and play a role in this plan way back in Daniyl. They’re responsible for it and it’s all tied together.
Notice in Revelation 7:2 that there is a Malak ascending from the east having the Seal. Prophecy has proven that I am the Seventh Malak. I have cried with a loud voice to the Quartet and I’m continuing to do it in our activities with the United States. President Clinton and President Bush were both sent personal letters detailing the seven-year plan and even showing them how they had a role in it. They were both sent the book The End, and the Temple Brochure and they have been fully witnessed to.
I have been to the United Nations on several occasions. I was there in 2000. That was the same year that the Pope met with Ariel Sharon. In the summer of 2002, we were in Rome for the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court set about by the United Nations. All these leaders of the United Nations were witnessed to on this very plan.
Also in Rome, at that time, were the leaders of the European Union, who also on their desks, received this outline of the plan. All these leaders have been cried out to.
I have met with several leaders of Russia in Israel, who were actually working with the government of Israel. We also made a trip to Armenia, which was part of the former Soviet Union, witnessing there about the seven-year plan and The Peaceful Solution.
The entire plan has been presented to all four of these messengers of the Quartet. They have the power. It’s not, like I gave some command, “Don’t do this.” I told them, “I know in Prophecy that you will not do this, this won’t start, until a certain thing takes place.” This thing was the Sealing of the Saints. These men know nothing about why they are doing what they are doing, but they were actually serving the plan of Yahweh in doing their work.
Notice the Malak going to these four messengers, the Quartet, is carrying the Seal of Yahweh.
Revelation 7:2
And I saw another Malak ascending from the east, having the Seal of the Living Father; and he cried with a loud voice to the four messengers, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
II Timothy 2:19
Nevertheless, the Foundation of Yahweh stands sure, having this Seal: Yahweh knows those who are His, because: everyone who reverences the Name of Yahweh departs from iniquity.
The Quartet (four beasts/messengers) was not formed, not active or organized, when I wrote the book, The Mark of the Beast. But I knew it would be formed in a time period when the seven-year peace plan was in action. This plan is now active and we’re awaiting the start of the last 3½ years of this plan. The Quartet will actually be responsible for restarting the seven-year peace plan that was confirmed with Rabin.
I wrote about the seven-year peace plan in the 1970s. This Prophecy was given by the Inspired Prophets of Yahweh. Daniyl, being one of those Prophets, wrote about this plan. Daniyl was inspired to write the following: “And he will confirm a covenant with many (Rabin) for one week (seven years) and in the midst of the week, he will cause the (or this) sacrifice (which includes both sacrifices and oblations of the Israelis and the Palestinians) to cease. That is, to cease following the plan for a while.
As we saw, this Prophecy was fulfilled September 13, 1993 with the signing of the seven-year peace plan that went into effect on October 13, 1993. This Prophecy was written by Daniyl the Prophet and was foretold in the 1970s in our books, The Mark of the Beast, Volumes 1 and 2. This Prophecy was only foretold by The House of Yahweh. It was not foretold by any other group. The very fact that The House of Yahweh foretold this event before it took place, in itself fulfills Prophecy.
The Quartet Being Formed in this Generation is Yet Another Prophecy Fulfilled
Out of pure necessity the Quartet was formed, due to the deterioration of man’s relations—a result of the lack of Character Education taught by the Laws of Yahweh. With this fact in mind we see another Prophecy being fulfilled. The Inspired Prophets spoke of this generation being without the Laws of Yahweh that build Righteous Character; and therefore being filled with sickness, disease, confusion, hatred, violence and destruction that are caused by rebellion against Yahweh’s Laws. Rebellion taught to the people by the religions.
The Inspired Scriptures show that today’s scientists are just now discovering that uncontrolled acts of illegal sexual lust are causing the millions upon millions of cases of STDs and deaths. What is even more devastating, but ignored, is the confusion they cause to man’s mind, making it impossible to make proper decisions.
Due to the drop in morals brought about by the false religions, who teach against the Character Education found only in your Scriptures, the world has extreme uncontrolled illegal lust, fornication, adultery, and sodomy, which lead to sickness, hatred, violence, fighting and war. The fighting and wars are not getting better but worse.
Therefore, the distraught nations, in this generation, formed the Quartet, also prophesied for this time period. Think of it, these messengers of the nations, called the Quartet in the news, were actually prophesied to be formed in this time period to try to solve today’s mounting problems. This shows yet another Prophecy fulfilled.
Daniyl 9:27
And he will confirm a covenant with many for one week; seven years, and in the midst of the week, he will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; instead, he will cause the prevalence of the Lord of Heaven even until the destruction that is determined will be poured upon the desolator.
This world’s religions are telling the world not to listen to The House of Yahweh. They are saying the end will not come. That, too, is another Prophecy fulfilled.
II Kepha 3:3-4
3 First, you must understand this: that scoffers will come in the Last Days, walking according to their own lusts,
4 And saying: Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things have remained just as they were from the beginning of creation.
The Apostle also shows the reason that the world cannot see the destruction coming, saying in:
II Kepha 2:10, 14
10 And especially those who walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise authority. Presumptuous and self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of Yahweh,
14 Having eyes full of adultery, and who cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls. Having minds expertly trained in covetous practices. Cursed children__
The Prophet Daniyl shows that these Prophecies were only sealed until the time of The End which the Savior said was the last generation.
Mattithyah 24:32-34
32 Now learn a parable from the fig tree: When its branch becomes tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer is near.
33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Age is near, at the very door.
34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.
We are in the time of The End, the last generation. But notice also what the Prophet Daniyl was inspired to write in:
Daniyl 12:10
Many will be purified, and made white, and tried; tested; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.
Yahweh is again calling for all religions on earth to repent. You are the cause of this Great Tribulation. If you will repent of sin, the world will follow and the problems will, after a time, stop. But you won’t repent, so you can expect these Prophecies to come to pass.
The nine-month nuclear baby was conceived September 12, 2006. Soon a third part of man will be killed over a fourth part of the earth in and around the great River Euphrates. Maybe you will start to believe then. For those who will believe, repent of sin and convert to keeping Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness, there is protection also prophesied.
The nine-month nuclear baby is being brought about by the Quartet and will be born with a third part of man killed over a fourth part of the earth, in and around the great River Euphrates. When this nine-months allotted to the Quartet by Yahweh’s Plan is completed, and that which was foretold has come to pass, the religions of this world, following the guidance of the Catholic Church, that great city that sits on seven hills, who changed the Laws of Yahweh, still will not repent. They will continue following sin until the sun is darkened and four-fifths of the earth’s population is dead.
Daniyl 7:25
And he will speak great words against Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally attack to cause to fall away, the Saints of Yahweh, and think to change the Feasts, Holy Days, and Laws; and they will be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.
Isayah 24:1-6
1 Before Yahweh’s very eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priests; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.
5 The earth also is defiled because of the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
Revelation 6:12
And I looked when He had opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.
It’s important that you notice this is the same time period mentioned in Mattithyah 24.
Mattithyah 24:29
Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
After a third part of man is killed over a fourth part of the earth, we will have four months remaining of the last 3½ years allotted to governments of and by the people, which will come to an end with nuclear burning, according to the Plan of Yahweh.
But get this; mankind, Yahdah (Genesis 49:10) is following Satan. Satan is determined to destroy heaven and earth along with mankind, hoping to prevent Yahweh’s Plan shown in Genesis 1:26 and Yahchanan 1:1-3, 12-13.
However, Prophecy shows that Yahweh will not allow the rebellious to destroy themselves until His Work of gathering His Chosen is completed. At the completion of this gathering, the nuclear wars can be completed that actually started and stopped after one strike on a nuclear site located on the border of the great River Euphrates. The news said that one general single-handedly stopped the nuclear war, but the Prophecy that shows who really stopped that war was written in 96 AY. That was 1911 years before that general supposedly stopped the war (Revelation 7:1-3).
But remember, the war that will come in this present, prophesied generation, will darken the sun and burn the wicked.
Mattithyah 24:29
Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Revelation 18:8
Therefore, her plagues will come in one day—death, and mourning, and famine; and she will be utterly burned with fire; for strong is Father Yahweh Who judges her.
Isayah 24:1-6
1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
Malakyah 4:1-6
1 For the Word of Yahweh was given to me, saying: Behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, and it will leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But for you who reverence My Name, the Light of Righteousness will arise with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like calves released from the stall.
3 And the Word of Yahweh was given to me saying: the wicked will be trodden down; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that this will be done.
4 Remember the Laws of Mosheh My servant, which I commanded through him in Horeb for all Israyl, with the Statutes and Judgments.
5 Behold, I will send Yliyah: the Laws and the Prophets, which is the Strength of Yahweh, before the coming of the great and wonderful day of Yahweh;
6 And it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; before it comes to pass that the earth is struck with a curse.
The message of Malakyah 4:5-6 and Mattithyah 24:14 are going out now.
The Prophesied Nuclear Wars Held Back for the Sake of the Great Gathering
In this generation we see the nuclear bombs that started in 1934 that were prophesied of by the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, around the year 29 AY (After Yahshua).
Yahshua’s Disciples asked Him, “What would be the sign of The End?” Read this Prophecy in:
Mattithyah 24:3
Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?
The End?
Mattithyah 24:29, 33-34
29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.
34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.
That generation? The generation of the nuclear bombs (verse 29) which started in the year 1934. Please notice the date, 1934, in the following article. The fact that the bombs are in this generation is a sure sign that marks this generation as being the one Yahshua spoke of. The bombs started in 1934, thus marking this present generation.
Leo Szilard - Patenting the Atomic Bomb
Hungarian physicist, Leo Szilard was the first person to conceive of the nuclear chain reaction and the atomic bomb. He was noted for his contributions to the fields of thermodynamics, biophysics, nuclear physics, and the development of atomic energy.
Leo Szilard was part of the group of scientists that invented the atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project.
Now, notice the date, 1934.
Leo Szilard - Nuclear Chain Reaction Patent:
On July 4, 1934 Leo Szilard filed the first patent application for the method of producing a nuclear chain reaction aka nuclear explosion. His British patent included a description of a “neutron induced chain reactions to create explosions”, and the concept of critical mass. The patent was given to the British War Office as part of the war effort.
Did you see the date, 1934?
Think of this: Yahshua Messiah gave the Prophecy of this power that can darken the sun around the year 29 AY, but the knowledge for building such a device did not come to pass until the year 1934. That was 1905 years later. That alone should be enough to convince any person that The Book of Yahweh Prophecies are absolutely True and 100% trustworthy! Let’s go even further.
Yahweh’s Prophet Daniyl wrote around the year 534 BY (Before Yahshua) that The End would become a reality with the increase of knowledge. Notice:
Daniyl 12:1-4
1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.
2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
3 And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever.
4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.
It’s a historical fact that the knowledge increase that made the bombs that will darken the sun possible, started with the development of the computer in the year 1934. Remember, 1934 is also the year the bombs of mass destruction started.
The Evolution of the Modern Computer. An Open Source Graphical History (1934 to 1950)
This is the home of the Computer Evolution File. This file attempts to provide a comprehensive graphical representation of the evolution of the modern computer for the period 1934 to 1950.
Leo Szilard - Nuclear Chain Reaction Patent:
On July 4, 1934 Leo Szilard filed the first patent application for the method of producing a nuclear chain reaction aka nuclear explosion. His British patent included a description of a “neutron induced chain reactions to create explosions”, and the concept of critical mass. The patent was given to the British War Office as part of the war effort.
That makes two Prophecies for this generation that Yahshua Messiah spoke of that started in 1934. But there is more.
In Yahweh’s Prophecy, Daniyl also saw in this generation of The End, Yahweh’s Two Witnesses teaching about this time of The End. Read this Great Prophecy.
Daniyl 12:4-7
4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.
5 Then I, Daniyl, looked; and behold, there stood two others, one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.
6 And said to the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching: How long will it be to the end of these wonders?
7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and vowed by Him Who lives forever, that: It will be for a time, times, and a half, when Yahweh will have accomplished pouring out His Power through His Holy People, all these things will be finished.
Think about this: Daniyl was shown in a vision, the two brothers whom Yahweh calls His Witnesses. In verses 6-7, did you notice the two others are foretelling Prophecy concerning a time period of three and one-half years? Now compare:
Revelation 11:1-4
1 And there was given me a reed like a measuring rod. And the Malak stood, saying: Rise, and measure the Temple of Yahweh, and the altar, and its confines;
2 But the court which is outside the Temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given to the Gentiles. And the holy city they will tread under foot three and one-half years.
3 And I will give to My Two Witnesses to perform their Prophetic offices, and they will foretell events about the one thousand two hundred and sixty days, those cast about with darkness.
4 These are the two Olive Trees, and the Two Lamps of the Seven Lamp Lampstand, ministering for the Father in the earth.
These two whom Daniyl saw teaching about the last three and one-half years are the same two spoken of by Yahweh’s Prophet Isayah. Their teaching is the same teaching about the three and one-half year of the seven-year peace agreement also shown by Yahweh’s Prophet Daniyl.
Who are these two? Compare:
Isayah 43:27-28
27 Your first father sinned, and your interpreters broke My Covenant and turned away from Me in prayer; praying to Gods (elohim), instead.
28 Therefore, I will dissolve the Levitical Priesthood; and will give Yaaqob to the curse, and Yisrayl to reproaches.
Isayah 44:1-8
1 Yet now hear, O Yaaqob My Servant, and Yisrayl whom I have chosen,
2 This is what Yahweh says, Who made you and formed you from the womb, Who will help you: Do not be afraid, Yaaqob My Servant and Yeshurun; Beloved Yisrayl, whom I have appointed.
3 For I will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit upon your seed, and My blessing upon your offspring.
4 They will spring up among the grass, as willows by the watercourses.
5 One will say; I belong to Yahweh, and the same will call himself with the name of Yaaqob. The other will subscribe with his hand, and write; I belong to Yahweh, and surname himself with the name of Yisrayl.
6 This is what Yahweh, the King of Israyl, and Redeemer, Yahweh our Father, says: I am the First, and I am the Last, and except for Me there is no source of power!
7 And Who, as I, will foretell, and set it in order for Me, since I appointed the ancient people? And the things which are coming, and will come, let them foretell them.
8 Do not fear, nor be afraid. Have I not told you from that time, and have declared; You are My Witnesses! Is there a source of power except Me? Truly, there is no other Rock; I know not one.
In Isayah 44:8, Yahweh says, you are My Witnesses.
Verse 7: let them foretell.
In verse 1, we see their names.
Verse 2: they’re brothers from the same womb.
Verse 5: Yahweh named them.
Isayah 45:4
For Yaaqob My servant’s sake, and Yisrayl My chosen; and I call you by your name (Yaaqob); and I surname you (Yisrayl), though you did not recognize that it was Me.
Remember Isayah 44:8 says “you are My Witnesses” who foretell events (verse 7). Also remember that Daniyl saw these two others (Daniyl 12:5) on that future day teaching (verse 6).
Daniyl 12:6 also shows us the time of “The End”.
In verse 7, the time, times, and a half are three and one-half years. Some versions translate it in that way. See the Amplified Bible below.
Daniel 12:7
And I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and a half a time (three and a half years); and as soon as they finish shattering and crushing the power of the holy people, all these things will be finished.
Revelation 11:3 shows these Two Witnesses teaching about the three and one-half years cast about with darkness.
Isayah 44:2 reveals these two are brothers from the same womb.
Revelation 11:4 says these two brothers are the Two Olive Trees.
Olive trees?
We find this information written by Yahweh’s Prophet Zecharyah.
Zecharyah 4:3
And there are two Olive Trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side of it.
Then, Zecharyah says these are two branches.
Zecharyah 4:11-12
11 Then I answered, and said to him: What are these two Olive Trees upon the right side of the Lampstand, and upon the left side of it?
12 Then I spoke to him again, and said to him; What are these two Olive Branches which, through the two golden pipes, empty the Golden Oil through them?
Zecharyah also gives the ordained assignment for these two branches.
Zecharyah 4:11-14
11 Then I answered, and said to him: What are these two Olive Trees upon the right side of the Lampstand, and upon the left side of it?
12 Then I spoke to him again, and said to him; What are these two Olive Branches which, through the two golden pipes, empty the Golden Oil through them?
13 He answered me, and said: Do you not know what these are? And I said: No my ruler.
14 Then he said; These are the two Anointed Ones who stand for the Supreme Ruler of the whole earth.
Zecharyah 5:5-6, 9-11
5 Then the malak who was speaking with me came forward, and said to me: Lift up your eyes now, and understand that which is sent by Commandment.
6 And I asked: What is it? And he answered: This is the ephah; The Standard of Perfection, which is sent by Yahweh’s Laws. Then he added: This is honor, knowledge, and understanding throughout the whole earth.
9 Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold: Two women; The Last Two Eras of The House of Yahweh, sent with Commandment. The Spirit of Yahweh came to overspread them; and they were covered with the covering of Saints. And they exalted, magnified, and extolled the ephah; The Standard of Perfection, which is sent by Yahweh’s Laws, separating the way of the world from The Way of Yahweh.
10 Then I said to the malak who was speaking with me: Where are they; The Two Witnesses, going with the ephah?
11 And he said to me: To build The House of Yahweh according to The Standard of Perfection sent by Yahweh’s Laws, in a Babylonish land which does not yet exist. And it will be established at that time; when The Two Witnesses are called out to their work; as the Established Place; the Habitation of Yahweh; THE HOUSE OF YAHWEH.
You need to understand this.
So, the ordained assignment for these two Olive Trees, called also Olive Branches, hold the prophesied position of two of the lamps of the Seven Lamp Lampstand. They are the Olive Branches that feed the two lamps with the Golden Oil of Yahweh’s Anointing Work, by Commandment (verses 5-6), who proceed forward to build The House of Yahweh (verses 9-11).
In the Book of Hebrews, we find that Yahshua, after His resurrection, ascended to the Throne of Yahweh, where He now sits (judges) as High Priest over The House of Yahweh. Read this:
Hebrews 1:1-4, 8-9, 13
1 Yahweh, Who at various times and in different ways spoke in times past to our fathers through the prophets,
2 Has in these last days spoken to us through His Son, Whom He has appointed Heir of all things, for Whom He also made the world;
3 Who, being the reflection of the Perfection of Yahweh, and the representation of Yahweh’s Plan, by upholding all things concerning that which was spoken by Yahweh through the Laws and the Prophets, when He had purged sins, sat down at the right hand of Yahweh on high,
4 Becoming so much better than the malakim, He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they.
8 But to the Son He says: The Throne of Your Father is forever and ever; a Scepter of Righteousness is the Scepter of Your Kingdom.
9 You have loved Righteousness and hated iniquity; therefore Yahweh Your Father has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions; fellow heirs.
13 But to which of the malakim has He ever said: Sit at My Right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool?
Verse 8 shows the scepter that Yahdah holds today on the seven hills of Rome. You can read this in:
Genesis 49:10
The Scepter will not depart Yahdah, nor a ruling staff; Lawgiver, from between his feet, until He comes to Whom tribute belongs, and the obedience of the nations is His.
Yahdah (the Vatican) still holds this scepter and will until they bring nuclear war upon themselves in this generation. They will actually destroy themselves in their attempt to bring forced-peace among the nations. Ask for our detailed information concerning this subject. Call, write or email The House of Yahweh.
Yahshua qualified for this scepter. By this Scepter of Righteousness of Yahweh, Yahshua now is High Priest and Judge over The House of Yahweh.
In Hebrews 1:13, the word sit means to judge with the Righteous Judgments of Yahweh.
Hebrews 1:8-9
8 But to the Son He says: The Throne of Your Father is forever and ever; a Scepter of Righteousness is the Scepter of Your Kingdom.
9 You have loved Righteousness and hated iniquity; therefore Yahweh Your Father has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions; fellow heirs.
Genesis 49:10
The Scepter will not depart Yahdah, nor a ruling staff; Lawgiver, from between his feet, until He comes to Whom tribute belongs, and the obedience of the nations is His.
Hebrews 10:21
And having a High Priest over The House of Yahweh:
Micahyah 4:1-3
1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.
2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.
3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.
Genesis 49:11
Tethering his donkey to the Vine; tethering his donkey colt to the choicest Branch; he will wash his garments in wine; he will wash his robes in the blood of grapes.
In verse 11, the donkeys are the twelve Disciples; the Vine is Yahshua.
Verse 11: The donkeys’ colt tied to the Branch is the prophesied House of Yahweh, with Yahshua as High Priest, in the Last Days’ generation that started in 1934.
Now compare:
Zecharyah 6:11-13
11 Take the silver and gold and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Yahshua son of Yahweh, the High Priest.
12 Speak to him, and say; This is what Yahweh our Father says: Behold, the Man Whose Name is the BRANCH! For He will branch out from His place, and He will build The House of Yahweh!
13 Yes, He will build The House of Yahweh. He will bear glory, and will sit and rule on His throne. He will be a Priest upon His throne; and the counsel of Peace will be between them both.
Now read Yahweh’s Promise to anyone who will do as Yahshua says to do.
Mattithyah 6:33
But seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Deuteronomy 12:5, 7-8
5 But you are to seek the Habitation of your Father; The House of Yahweh—the place which Yahweh your Father shall choose out of all your tribes to establish His Name—and there you must go.
7 There, in front of Yahweh your Father, you and your families shall eat, and you shall rejoice in all that you have put your hand to do, because Yahweh your Father has blessed you.
8 You must not at all do as we are doing here this day—every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes—
Remember Zecharyah 4:12, the Branch is one of the Two Witnesses. Now, for memory sake, read again:
Hebrews 10:21
And having a High Priest over The House of Yahweh:
Zecharyah 6:11-13
11 Take the silver and gold and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Yahshua son of Yahweh, the High Priest.
12 Speak to him, and say; This is what Yahweh our Father says: Behold, the Man Whose Name is the BRANCH! (Branch, one of the Two Witnesses) For He will branch out from His place, and He will build The House of Yahweh!
13 Yes, He will build The House of Yahweh. He will bear glory, and will sit and rule on His throne. He will be a Priest upon His throne; and the counsel of Peace will be between them both (Both Yahshua and the Branch).
Genesis 49:11
Tethering his donkey to the Vine; tethering his donkey colt to the choicest Branch; he will wash his garments in wine; he will wash his robes in the blood of grapes.
And! And!
Zecharyah 9:8-9
8 Then I will encamp around My House like a guard, against those who march in and out. No more will an oppressor overrun them, for now My Eyes are watching over them.
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout for joy, O daughter of Yerusalem! Behold, your King comes to you; He is just and having Salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Yahweh is encamped around His House. That means protection.
In the history of The House of Yahweh, starting with Abel, Yahweh allowed Satan and her Gods to lie and deceive.
Genesis 3:1-5
1 Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh had made. And she said to the woman; Has Yahweh indeed said: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2 And the woman said to the serpent; We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;
3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said: You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.
4 And the serpent said to the woman; You will not surely die.
5 For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.
Yes, Yahweh allowed Satan and her Gods to teach, seduce, and deceive mankind in order to prove to heaven and earth how curses start. Yahweh has always warned mankind, first, of what sin, evil like the Gods, would bring. Yahweh even allowed His Name to be taken away, and The Book of Yahweh to be taken to Rome where it was held captive for over 1500 years. Rome then sent out renditions of The Book of Yahweh, such as the King James Version, with the Sacred Names of Yahweh, the Creator, and Yahshua, the Savior, removed so to not reveal those Names to the public.
Well, that old serpent (Revelation 12:9) is crafty (Genesis 3:1). Call, write or email us for the complete history of these events or go to yisraylsays.com and search the Yisrayl Says Program for this information.
Back to:
Zecharyah 6:11-13
11 Take the silver and gold and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Yahshua son of Yahweh, the High Priest.
12 Speak to him, and say; This is what Yahweh our Father says: Behold, the Man Whose Name is the BRANCH! For He will branch out from His place, and He will build The House of Yahweh!
13 Yes, He will build The House of Yahweh. He will bear glory, and will sit and rule on His throne. He will be a Priest upon His throne; and the counsel of Peace will be between them both.
Mattithyah 16:18
And I also say to you who are Kepha: That upon this Rock, YAHWEH UNITY; I will build this house; family: The House of Yahweh, and the gates of sheol (hell) will not prevail against it.
Zecharyah 9:8-9
8 Then I will encamp around My House like a guard, against those who march in and out. No more will an oppressor overrun them, for now My Eyes are watching over them.
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout for joy, O daughter of Yerusalem! Behold, your King comes to you; He is just and having Salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
The Protected Place - Protected by Yahweh
Yahweh will not allow His House to ever be destroyed again. Now, read the history and Prophecy.
Yeremyah 23:1-2
1 Woe to the pastors; shepherds, who destroy and scatter the sheep of My Pasture! says Yahweh.
2 Therefore, this is what Yahweh, the Father of Israyl, says against the pastors who feed My people: You have scattered My flock, and driven them away, and have not visited; attended to, them. Behold, you are going to be called to account for the evil of your doings, says Yahweh:
Be sure you understand this! Notice… but for this generation.
Yeremyah 23:3-8
3 But I will gather the remnant of My Flock out of all countries where they have been driven, and bring them back to their folds; homes, and they will be fruitful and increase.
4 And I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they will fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither will they be lacking, says Yahweh.
5 Behold, the days come, says Yahweh: that I will raise to David a Righteous Branch, and a King will reign and succeed, and will execute judgment and justice in the earth.
6 In His days, those who reverence Yahweh will be saved, and the Called Out Ones will dwell safely; and this is the Name that He will proclaim to them at Abel–Yahweh Tsidqenu: Yahweh our Righteousness.
7 Therefore behold, the days come, says Yahweh, that they will no longer say; As surely as Yahweh lives Who brought up the children of Israyl out of the land of Egypt;
8 But they will say; As surely as Yahweh lives Who brought up and led the seed of the house of Yisrayl into the Protected Place at Abel, and from all countries where they had been driven; and they will dwell in their own land.
The divining serpent who teaches the world (4,199 religions), in this generation, practices evil like Gods (Genesis 3:1-5) and follows Satan. Satan is not teaching Righteousness when she teaches the religions to follow the Gods. Yes, Satan!
Romans 6:16
Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, his servants you are whom you obey—whether of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who practices sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!
I Yahchanan 5:19
We know that we belong to Yahweh, and that the whole world is under the control of the Gods.
Satan’s hope now, through the wars of the Quartet, is to destroy all of mankind, plus the heaven and the earth that were made for and are part of Yahweh’s Plan.
Yahchanan 1:1-4, 12-13
1 In the beginning was the Plan of Yahweh, and the Plan was with Yahweh, and the Plan was Yahweh’s.
2 The same Plan was in the beginning with Yahweh.
3 All things were done according to it, and without it nothing was done, that was done.
4 In this Plan was Life, and that Life was the Light to mankind.
12 But as many as received Him, to those He gave authority to become the Sons of Yahweh to those who believe the Testimony of Yahweh—
13 Who are begotten, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of Yahweh.
Mattithyah 5:17-18
17 Do not even think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to destroy them, but to establish them.
18 For truly I say to you; Unless heaven and earth pass away, one yodh—the smallest of the letters—will in no way pass from the Law, until all things are perfected.
Verse 18 shows what Satan hopes to accomplish.
Satan’s Activities Now!
How does Satan hope to destroy heaven and earth? Prepare wars.
Isayah 14:12-20
12 How you have fallen from heaven, O Hillel; Lucifer, Aphrodite, Venus, child of the light! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart; I will ascend above the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of Yahweh. I will sit in the highest place on the holy mountain of the congregation.
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.
15 Yet your evil doing will bring you down to the grave, to the depth of the pit.
16 Those who see you will stare at you, and they will talk about you, saying; Is this the one; the adversary, who shook the earth, and made kingdoms tremble?
17 Is this the one who made the world like a wilderness, who overthrew the cities in it, and who would not let her captives go free?
18 All the kings of the nations, all of them, lie in splendor, each in his own house;
19 But you are cast out of your grave like an abominable branch; like the garments of those who are slain, thrust through with a sword; like those who descend to the stones of the pit, as a carcass trampled under foot.
20 You will not be joined with them in burial because you have destroyed your land, and slaughtered your people; the seed of evildoers will never be mentioned again!
Verses 16 and 17 show the nuclear destruction that Yahshua, our High Priest, said would darken the sun (Mattithyah 24:29), in this generation, and burn the earth in one hour (Revelation 18:1-19); to which Yahshua said:
Mattithyah 5:17-18
17 Do not even think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to destroy them, but to establish them.
18 For truly I say to you; Unless heaven and earth pass away, one yodh—the smallest of the letters—will in no way pass from the Law, until all things are perfected.
Satan is now preparing this destruction for all of her children.
Isayah 14:21-26, 29
21 Prepare slaughter for her children, because of the iniquity of their fathers; so that they may not rise, possess the earth, and fill the face of the world with cities.
22 For at Abel I will establish The House of Yahweh to testify against them, says Yahweh our Father: and the name and remnant, and offspring and descendant, will be cut off from Babylon, says Yahweh.
23 It; Babylon, will also be a possession for every unclean and hateful bird, and a gathering of peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues, and it will be swept with the broom of destruction, says Yahweh our Father.
24 Yahweh our Father has vowed, saying: Just as surely as I have planned, so will it come to pass; just as surely as I have purposed, so will it stand:
25 That I will break the Assyrian in My land, and upon My mountains tread him under foot. Then his yoke will be removed from them, and his burden removed from their shoulders.
26 This is the purpose; plan, that is purposed upon the whole earth; this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations;
29 Do not rejoice, all you of Philistia, because the rod of him who struck you has broken; for out of the serpent’s root will come forth an adder, and his offspring will be a fiery flying serpent.
In verse 21, did you see the tool Satan uses? Iniquity! Iniquity means doing away with Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness.
Isayah 24:1-6
1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
Did you see the cause?
Verses 5-6 show that because 4199 religions in this generation teach their subjects to transgress Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness.
Verse 6: Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth.
Verse 6: The earth is burned.
Yahweh calls to the people following the sins of Yahdah, who occupies the seven hills of Rome, and to all nations that are caught in Yahdah’s iniquity and sins.
Revelation 18:1-5, 8, 17
1 And after these things I saw another malak come down from heaven, having great authority; and the earth was enlightened with His glory.
2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues,
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!
8 Therefore, her plagues will come in one day—death, and mourning, and famine; and she will be utterly burned with fire; for strong is Father Yahweh Who judges her.
17 For in one hour such great riches came to nothing! And every sea captain, and all the company in ships, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, stood afar off,
Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues.
This Warning is going out to all nations from Yahweh’s Last Days’ House of Yahweh by the Branch, who built The House of Yahweh in this generation. This Branch, who was born in 1934, is working with Yahshua, the High Priest (Hebrews 10:21).
Mattithyah 24:11-12, 14
11 And many false religions will be aroused, and will deceive the many.
12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.
14 And this Joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.
May Yahweh bless your understanding.
Love, True Love
Yisrayl Hawkins
Caton: Welcome to another edition of YPN News, bringing you news as it relates to Bible Prophecy and foretold by Yisrayl Hawkins. First we’re going to start in the US. Opioid overdoses have risen over 30% in just a year, showing that the problem is getting worse not better. According to the CDC the nation is in a fast growing epidemic for which they say are no easy solutions. Throughout the country, several states have been hit hard with the increase in opioid-related overdoses. In fact, Illinois has seen a 66% increase, Pennsylvania 80% increase, Delaware 105% increase and Wisconsin 108% increase in overdose-related ER visits. And that’s just to name a few.
Jeff: Dr. Anne Schuchat, the acting director of the CDC said, “We’re seeing increases across all geographic regions in both men and women and all adult age groups.” According to the CDC, overdoses kill about 5 people every hour in the US. Dr. Schuchat said that the potency of the drugs are leading to more deaths not an increase in users. Dr. Winer of Linden Oaks Behavioral Health said that over 90% of people who are treated in rehab will relapse within a year. So those are not very great statistics.
Jeff: North Korea has said that there is no reason to pursue a nuclear program if there is no threat of an invasion, referring to the U.S. occupation in South Korea. This is seen as a 180-degree turn around by the North Korean leader. As a result, the two leaders of North and South Korea will hold their first joint political summit in a decade in April. Not everyone is excited. U.S. President Donald Trump is quoted as saying, “As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that’s his problem not mine.””
Caton: Senator Lindsey Graham said, “All the damage that would come from a war would be worth it in terms of long-term stability and national security.” Even though the U.S. paused military exercises during the Olympics, as soon as the games were over, the tanks and planes were back out in force once again. Although the two are meeting, (that is, North and South Korea) the U.S. says that a meeting can only be arranged via Beijing if the North agrees to give up their nuclear weapons.
Jeff: Of course, Pyongyang says that demand is preposterous. Analysts say that it doesn’t look like the administration wants to create an atmosphere of peace, which is really strange Caton, because that’s what they wanted to do for the entire time, for the North to give up their nuclear program. Now they’re saying they’re willing to but it’s like the U.S. doesn’t want that; they almost want the war.
Caton: That’s right. And you would think that they would go ahead and use their ally, the South, to work with the North in meeting certain terms to find a Peaceful Solution. Well, the South recently sent one of its representatives to meet with the Pope on a recent trip. We have our correspondent Larry McGee who has more information for us on that and a few other things.… Larry, what do you have for us?
Larry: At some point every government has to pay a visit to the Pope. This week, the Ambassador for South Korea arrived to bow the knee, and quickly informed the Pontiff that he keeps him in his prayers. In keeping with tradition, the two exchanged gifts. A piece of artwork was offered by Ambassador Lee, while the Pope chose to present the Korean diplomat, with a three-volume set of his main papal documents. Thereafter, the meeting became private.
The Ambassador is not the only South Korean diplomat to be dispatched to the Seven Hills, President Moon Jae-in’s Special Envoy to the Vatican returned home from a trip recently, which was reportedly arranged (at least in part) to deliver a letter from President Moon Jae-in to the Vatican asking for its intervention on the Korean peninsula. The Pope is said to have responded by expressing an awareness of the conflict in the region, and is reported to have advised the Envoy that dialog and negotiation must come before force. The diplomat stated that the purpose for his pilgrimage was to secure South Korea’s interest, and having returned now, he is said to be satisfied with the results.
Larry: The result of increasing tensions between the nations is war reaching into the heavens. This week President Trump announced plans to create a special Space Force, extending the hostilities of warfare into outer space. In a speech the President stated that space is a war-fighting domain just like the air, land, and sea. In support of that belief, General John Hyten, of the U.S. Strategic Command, stated that, “There is no war in space, just as there is no cyber war. There is only war, and war can extend into any domain”.
Larry: And it might also be added, that it can take many different forms. The EU is recalling its envoy to Russia, over suspicions that Moscow may have been the culprit behind the recent poisoning of Sergei Skripal. The attack on the former double agent has prompted strong condemnation from Britain’s Prime Minister, Theresa May, who stated before a meeting, that she would be raising the issue with her counterparts. The Prime Minister says the incident in Salisbury is a part of a pattern of aggression against Europe and its near neighbors, extending from the Western Balkans to the Middle East.
Larry: Meanwhile, the man being held as one of Russia’s strongest leaders to date is celebrating his fourth re-election as Russia’s President. President Putin’s allure among voters is reported to be his tough style, a reflection of which was demonstrated in his recent announcement that Russia had developed a new nuclear weapon; the declaration of which was accompanied by video showing warheads headed for Florida. Now that he has won re-election, the Russian leader has dialed back the aggressive rhetoric and is back to sharp statecraft, announcing that Russia has no plans for an arms race, and plans to cut military spending in pursuit of international dialog.
While China, Cuba, and Venezuela are all said to have called President Putin and offered their congratulations, it was said that that U.S. would be doing no such thing. In contradiction to that initial statement though, President Trump told reporters that he called the Russian Head and did congratulate him on his victory, while also mentioning the possibility of the two meeting at a later date to discuss the arms race; the Ukraine, Syria, North Korea, and various other things. During the press conference the President reiterated his intention to keep America militarily superior several times, and also confirmed for reporters that Iran is still a target. For YPN News, I’m Larry McGee, Caton, Jeff,…back to you.
Jeff: President Trump unveiled his plan to start putting tariffs on Chinese imports. He said there would be as much as $60 billion in tariffs applied to products that come into the U.S. from China. The announcement raised fears that a trade war on Wall Street could result. Those fears led to the Dow losing 724 points to close at almost 3% lower than the day before.
Caton: Currently there is a trade deficit of $375 billion with China, (which means that China is making more on its imports to the U.S. than the U.S. is making on its exports to China). This is largely due to China’s low cost of labor and trade policies which President Trump says unfairly favor Beijing.
Jeff: As far as a trade wars go, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, tried to assure the country by saying, “We will end up negotiating these things rather than fighting over them.” The Chinese Embassy, however, did not use the same tone in response to the tariffs. They accused the President of quote, “ignoring the rational voices” and adding, “China is not afraid of and will not recoil from a trade war.”
Caton: Analysts are calling Trump’s announcement the trigger that could lead to a tit-for-tat trade war which would be bad for both countries. But the President feels he is really just fulfilling another promise he made to voters on the campaign trail. He is also concerned that Chinese firms will steal U.S. technology patents and then manufacture similar products at a cheaper price.
Jeff: But China is also the largest holder of America’s $21 trillion debt. With that kind of leverage, adding tariffs to China is causing anxiety among Republican Congressmen. Charles Grassley, a Senator from Iowa told reporters, “I would advise our people in the executive branch from the President on down to be very cautious how you approach it.”
Caton: China is warning the United States to reconsider its plans before things get worse. In response to U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum that have already went into effect, China is now proposing its own tariffs on over 100 U.S. products.
Jeff: The U.S. exports include fresh fruit, nuts, wine, steel pipe, as well as pork and recycled aluminum. The total cost of these products is about $3 billion, which would then become more expensive in China and could cause American farmers and companies to lose business.
Caton: The Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. stated Beijing’s position when he went on state TV explaining the possibility of a trade war. He said, “As far as a possible trade war is concerned, we never want it to start. But if somebody imposes a trade war on us, we’ll fight to the end.”
Jeff: The Administration has 15 days to decide which Chinese imports will face the new tariffs. Then it will be at least 30 more days before those tariffs actually go into effect. That gives both countries some time to find other solutions to their problems; however, they both have to be willing.
Caton: In other news, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was visiting The United States this week and had a meeting in the Oval Office with President Donald Trump. With cameras flashing and video rolling, the American President proceeded to highlight the hundreds of millions and billions of dollars that Saudi Arabia has recently invested in U.S. military equipment. (You can watch that meeting at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhw37reiFj0)
Jeff: Caton it looks like President Trump was really highlighting the fact that this agreement between the United States and the Saudis is leading to a lot of revenue for America and also creating jobs.
Caton: One thing that wasn’t highlighted though is that weapons of war usually result in loss of life for the victims. And speaking of the Middle East, Israel is in the spotlight again; this time for something that took place almost 11 years ago. Until now, Israel’s policy on its bombing missions has been to keep silent. However, it was really no secret that Israel destroyed a Syrian nuclear reactor back in 2007, similar to another attack on an Iraqi reactor in 1981, but they had never officially acknowledge the air strike.
Jeff: Now the Israeli government is openly taking credit for the strike, and for the first time has released details of the operation, including cockpit videos of the actual air strike, which took place on September 6, 2007. The reactor was nearing completion when a bombing campaign completely annihilated the solitary facility that sat along the Euphrates River.
Jeff: And what’s really interesting about this Caton is that Yisrayl Hawkins has been mentioning certain dates and time frames, but with the news you don’t always see that something took place immediately. It will come out like this did, eleven years later saying, we made this attack; really in the exact same time that Yisrayl Hawkins had mentioned.
Caton: Interestingly enough, he’s also shown that the Prophecies have shown in the Holy Scriptures that these things would start in and around the great River Euphrates exactly where that took place. So it’s something to take note of if someone is actually looking for answers.